
Outreach Trips

To get connected to one of our outreach trips, please email us below
or call 803-649-3096 ext. 3111

Global Outreach

At Cedar Creek Church we continue our Global outreach by forming partnerships with nationals and agencies that are committed to being a long term, local presence. Global outreach is a church wide effort and no matter which campus you attend you have an opportunity to reach out to the lost and hurting of our world. Our strategy for outreach can be summed up by our acronym PEACE. P-plant churches, E-equip servant leaders, A-assist the poor, C-care for the sick and E-educate the next generation. Due to the sensitive nature where some our PEACE workers are serving, a number of them are not listed . Please remember them as you pray.

Plant | Equip | Assist | Care | Educate

Local Outreach

At Cedar Creek Church we work locally in our community through a variety of partnerships. There are opportunities for individuals, families and entire HOME groups to get involved. Our HOME groups are the main ways we encourage local outreach. We find that serving others together is a great way to bond and grow spiritually. Each campus will also occasionally have an outreach project unique to them.

We do our best to partner with those that are purposefully helping the marginalized in our community and world. Below are a few of our local partners