How to be a Dorcas – Selfless – Part 1
How to be a Dorcas
Selfless – Part 1
“In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); … she was ALWAYS doing good and helping the poor.” Acts 9:36 (NIV)
“Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus with her sons. She knelt respectfully to ask a favor. ‘What is your request?’ he asked. She replied, ‘In your Kingdom, please let my two sons sit in PLACES OF HONOR next to you, one on your right and the other on your left.’” Matthew 20:20-21 (NLT)
“When the ten other disciples heard what James and John had asked, they were indignant. But Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave.” Matthew 20:24-27 (NLT)
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 (NLT)
To become more selfless, I must…
(Matthew 20:20-28)
…recognize what’s natural.
“You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them.” vs. 25 (NLT)
“…The trouble is WITH ME, for I am all too human, a slave to sin.” Romans 7:14b (NLT)
…choose to be different.
“But among you it will be DIFFERENT…” vs. 26 (NLT)
“Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 7:24-25 (NLT)
…follow Jesus’s example.
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others AND to give his life as a ransom for many.” vs. 28 (NLT)
“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” John 13:15 (NIV)
Bottom Line:
Genuine servanthood is without recognition and without reservation.
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