November 4, 2022
Cedar Creek Church - 3001 Banks Mill Rd, Aiken, SC 29803
A one-day conference designed to equip churches, church leaders and congregations to provide effective and compassionate care to individuals (and their loved ones) who struggle with their Mental Health.
Topics Include
The Church and Mental Health | Faith and Depression | Child and Adolescence Mental Health | The Church’s Response to Suicide | The Practice of Peace | Crisis De-escalation | Understanding Relational Boundaries | Friendships as we Age
As more and more churches and church leaders are confronting issues of mental health challenges among their congregations and communities, this timely event is designed to give you and your church the practical information and tools needed to make a difference.
Special Welcome and Encouragement
Rick and Kay Warren Founders of Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, Ca
Say Hello to the Speakers
Hear from these ministry thought leaders and practitioners from across North America
Dr. Holly Oxhandler
Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development and an Associate Professor at Baylor University’s Diana R. Garland School of Social Work.
Dr. P. Alex Mabe, PhD
Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior at the Medical College of Georgia/Augusta University
Lieutenant Colonel Timothy P. Fitzgerald, USA, Retired, MA, LPC
Director of Care and Counseling, Cedar Creek Church
8:30 am: 9:00 am: 10:15 am: 10:30 am: 11:20 am: 11:30 am: 12:30 pm: 1:30 pm: 2:30 pm: 2:45 pm: 3:45 pm: 3:50 pm: 4:30 pm: | Check-in and Continental Breakfast Worship and Plenary Session 1 Break Breakout Session 1 Break Breakout Session 2 Lunch and Networking Worship and Plenary Session 2 Break Worship and Plenary Session 3 Restroom/Stand and Stretch Panel Q/A Adjourn |
Breakout Session Topics
This presentation examines the key challenges of adolescents as they attempt to launch into adulthood. Although many parents find that the years of adolescent “flight training” can be quite stressful, as provided in this presentation there are pivotal actions that parents can take to promote a successful “launch.”
You can have peace regardless of the circumstances. In this session we will explore five practices that will enable you to default to peace, even become a conduit of peace in stressful situations.
Relationships are made simpler through understanding what we own and control. This session is for anyone who struggles in relationships or coaches those who do. The principles presented here can eliminate much frustration and bickering. Influenced by Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend, Dr. John Gottman, and Presidential Medal of Freedom award recipient Rev. Reinhold Niebuhr, this session offers practical tips for cutting through the fog that leads some relationships to needlessly founder.
The focus of this session will be to look at the historical language of pastoral care. The early church defined care in four ways: sustaining, guiding, reconciling, and healing. During this session we will look at these four pastoral care interventions as they speak to mental health today.
If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we need each other. We need social interaction, support and regular interaction with others to stay physically and mentally healthy. Friendships seem to be very easy to make when we are young, but what about as we age? Do we still need friendships with others as we grow old? What are the challenges to making and maintaining healthy friendships as we age? We will explore these issues in detail in this workshop.
A practical approach to managing encounters with someone in a mental health crisis. This session will focus on de-escalation techniques and personal safety.
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