All are welcome to participate in this ministry.
No affiliation with Cedar Creek Church is required.
WE’VE BEEN THERE: If you are reading this, you may find yourself facing the possibility of an outcome you never foresaw. You may believe as we do that marriage is an institution ordained by God and none of us desire that any marriage should fail.
Unfortunately, they do. Marriages are made of imperfect human beings and are subject to the effects of those flaws.
WHAT: For those of us who find ourselves on this path there is DivorceCare®, a peer group of men and women somewhere along the journey between separation and post-divorce. Everyone associated with this group has been through divorce or believes they are on their way.
WHO: Anyone looking for help getting through a separation or divorce, or has recently become divorced and could use guidance to make healthy choices and get through the hurt.
HOW: DivorceCare is a thirteen-week peer-group consisting of in-person lessons, and daily exercises to help the participants handle the disorientation of a marriage ending and facing an uncertain future.
Professionally developed lessons informed by the insights of Christian therapists and pastors help members to find the healthy and biblically sound path to healing.
WHEN & WHERE: Thursday nights, January 20th – May 1 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. See the registration links below for specific details.
COST: $20 (plus shipping) for a member’s guide delivered directly to you. This is paid to the DivorceCare® company when you register for your first group.
WHAT NOW? Have a look at the brief videos on this page to learn more about DivorceCare. When you are ready, register for your desired class via the links below. If you aren’t certain and want to discuss it call the class leader at (803) 648-9648, or send email to