Jonah Reading Plan | Week 1 – Day 1
Jonah Reading Plan | Week 1 – Day 1
Jonah 1:1-2 ESV
Jonah Flees from the Presence of the Lord
Context: Ninevah was the capital of the powerful ancient Assyrian empire. The city had a well-earned reputation for being bloody. Assyrians were known for hanging their enemies on posts, flaying them, and lining city walls with their skins.
a. The word of the LORD came to Jonah: God spoke to Jonah in His own unique and powerful way and He told Jonah to do two things. First, go to Nineveh; second, cry out against it — that is, to rebuke them for their sin and call them to repentance.
b. Go to Nineveh: The city of Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and was a large and prominent city in its day. It was not a city of Israel at all; God called Jonah to go to a pagan, Gentile city and call them to repentance.
i. Ancient historians say that Nineveh was the largest city in the world at that time. It was the large, important capital of a dominating empire — surely an intimidating place to go.
c. For their wickedness has come up before Me: God wanted Jonah to go because He saw their wickedness. None of man’s wickedness is hidden before God. He sees it all, and it may come to a point where it demands the specific warning and judgment of God.
Reflection Question: Is God calling you to a place you may be reluctant to go? Where are you running instead?